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SafeArrival Parent Portal


Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools welcomes you to our SafeArrival Parent Portal!

For the safety of your child(ren), please use one of the following methods to notify us of all student absences:

1. 1-844-818-9908 : Call the automated absence reporting system
2. : Log in to the SafeArrival Parent Portal website (see below)
3. SafeArrival App : Use the app on your mobile device (see below)

You can report absences in advance for the whole school year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week up to the morning bell time on the day of the absence. The system is automated so please do not phone the school or send emails to notify us of planned absences.

Having absences reported in advance means that we can identify students whose absences have not been reported and notify their parents as early as possible.

The SafeArrival Parent Portal Website

This website allows you to:
- notify the school of student absences
- update your contact information. To change your home phone number, please contact the school directly.
- specify what types of school messages should be sent to each of your phone numbers or email addresses
- view or listen to automated telephone and email messages sent to you by the school or Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools

To access the SafeArrival Parent Portal website, please go to the website shown below and begin the authentication process. We recommend you bookmark this website for future use:

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